> No rental properties available under HAP in nine of 16 areas surveyed, latest report finds

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No rental properties available under HAP in nine of 16 areas surveyed, latest report finds


There were no properties available to rent under the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme in nine out of 16 areas across the country, the Simon Communities of Ireland has found.

In the latest quarterly Locked Out of the Market report, there were no HAP properties available to rent in Athlone, Cork city suburbs, Galway city centre, selected areas in Kildare, Leitrim, Limerick city suburbs, Limerick city centre, Sligo town and Portlaoise.

Just two properties were available within standard HAP rates, both in Cork city centre.

However, there was an increase in the number of properties available within discretionary HAP rates, from 26 in September to 33 in December when the latest survey was carried out.

The number of properties available to rent at any price rose by 28pc from September to December, from 901 to 1,149.

Simon Communities of Ireland executive director Wayne Stanley said the latest report continues “to show the dearth of options for those experiencing homelessness in the private rental market”.

“While there was a small increase in availability in December 2023, it is clear the private rental market is not a sustainable option for the vast majority of people experiencing homelessness.

“The solution is well understood; it is more social housing.”

The vast majority (76pc) of the 33 HAP properties were in Dublin while just four of the 16 areas surveyed outside Dublin had properties available within discretionary HAP limits.

Single person households have received an increased HAP rate matching that received by couples in June 2022. However, the Locked Out report found there were no properties within standard HAP limits for single person households.

10 properties were available for single persons or couples through discretionary HAP rates – all were in Dublin except for one in Waterford city centre.

For couples and one-parent families with one child, there were two properties available within standard HAP limits and 16 within discretionary HAP limits. The majority were located in Dublin with two in Cork city centre and two in Dundalk, Co Louth.

“The scale of the homeless crisis in front of us requires immediate action from Government. In the short term, the Minister could increase the HAP rates to ensure that more properties become a viable option on a HAP payment,” Mr Stanley said.

“Government can work with local authorities to see a more targeted use of the allocations from local authorities. Also, progressing the Simon Homeless Prevention Bill would support local authorities and organisations like Simon to prevent homelessness and slow the increase.

"These actions would help bring much needed hope into the system for people who are experiencing homelessness.”

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